
Monday, October 19, 2009

Global Warming...Yeah Right!

There are many people on Nabu complaining about Global Warming. They say that our ships are putting out too many exhaust fumes and they are complaining to the Queen and Senator of Nabu to do something about it. She (the queen) thinks that it is all just a bunch of phooey and that all these people are making a big deal about nothing. Granted, we are experiencing a climate change, but who's fault is it? But she asked Padmae (who happens to be the Senator) to go to the Senate and ask them if there is anything in this complaint. I mean, what could the Senate do if Global Warming WAS hurting our poor planet? We can't just stop all the vehicles on Nabu! Anyway, I heard somewhere that it could possibly be a natural cause instead of a cause by humans and aliens. In that case, how could WE help?
However, Padmae still has to go. So, since Luke is gone to the Space Academy every day and Lea is married, guess who gets slapped with the job of taking care of R2De2, See3P0 (our butler), my Wukerfilmydoodle, and Padmae's poodle? Yours truly.


  1. Sit the droids in front of a TV with a good movie...that'll keep them entertained while you watch the pets...!

  2. Did you try letting them watch Star Wars Episode IV? THAT'll keep 'em glued to the screen...

  3. no...they would probably just laugh at my black suit... >:{

  4. Oh...interesting...
