
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My Campaign

I have new campaign. I am trying to get my mom (Shmee) to move here; Nabu. I am offering to buy her a house (well, actually, with Padmae's money [what can I say, I am pitifully poor!]). She is not too hot about the idea. We will see what happens...
Oh, by-the-bye, tonight is my ballet night. (Read how I started ballet here).


  1. Grandma living by us? Are you sure? Because, when I go to get Dood some food on Tatooine, I won't be able to visit grandma and watch TV anymore now. Oh, well, at least I can visit uncle Owen!

    How did you do on the ballet? Did you get your tutu sewn in time? K.M.U(Abbreviation: Keep Me Updated)

  2. Awwww. It will be nice for you to have your mom with you. You know, you oughtta try taking her to see one of your ballet classes. Man, she'd laugh at - oh, nevermind.
    Oh, and info on your campaign. Grandkids are PROS on softening the grandparent's heart. Get Lea or Luke to ask her sweetly to move.

  3. Okay, I volunteer! I agree with you, Storm Troop....It would be kinda nice to have grandma living near us. Oh, and dad, Storm Troop's should take her to your ballet classes! K.M.U.

  4. THANK YOU Storm Troop for not going any further in your joke about my ballet (which I am forced to do against my will, I might add!)!!!

  5. If you would do your Jedi homework maybe Padmae wouldn't have to support your dear mother. Maybe that is why dear old mom doesn't want to live by you? for thought....

  6. Well, I am paid now for being the helpful padiwan I am, and I don't think that I would be paid more when I become a master. Or maybe a promotion would do something to my income... But, regardless, it would not be enough to support my mom.

  7. Yeah, Jedi are notorious for lacking money.

  8. Lacking money is right! Mom has to pay for everything! It is a good thing she has a lot of money...

  9. Ahh. Tell me about money shortages. I only get $20 allowance per month, plus I have to do all that guarding and recruiting of Storm Troopers, etc.......
    Anyway I'm always short on cash. But that's because I don't save it! ( :

  10. Hey, you got it made, Storm Troop! I have to work for my money!

  11. Well, maybe he gets his allowance because he works.

  12. Yeah. He's the one who works the most(other than Master Windu).

  13. Yeah, I can't say I work the most. But hey, every ballet night, when I get home I am sweating from all the hard work I do at Mrs. Hardings!

  14. Yeah, but ballet is fun. I mean just getting stubborn Stormed Troop to take his C vitamin so he can do his morning patrol is a bare.
    I'm hoping to promote my ability so I can get a raise.
